At some point in our careers, we've all had to face a project that doesn't motivate us creatively. You know... Reading through endless pages of vague buzzwords and industry-specific jargon trying to find anything that will somehow inspire us and get those creative juices flowing. Its tough being involved with a project that we just can't get excited about. #1 Use a Dull Project to Learn Something New
#2 Think and Do Differently
#3 Try a Change of Scenery
#4 Change Your Perspective
#5 And A Child Shall Lead Them
These are some fairly common sense tips I use to get through those rare projects that are hard to get into. Although, I shared them from a creative professional's perspective, these are tips that I believe can work for anyone.
On the rare occasion that I find myself dreading an assignment, there are a few tips I use to get my creativity going, get motivated, and overcome the "dull project blues".
#1 Use a Dull Project to Learn Something New
Learning a new technique is always interesting. It not only gets you motivated, but gives you a new skill that will be with you long after the project has ended. As an example, I learned to script using jQuery during one such project.
#2 Think and Do Differently
Add some excitement by trying to complete the assignment in an unusual way. For instance, lets say you are a watercolorist who paints using traditional media. Try painting using digital tools such as Adobe Photoshop. Break from the norm, and step outside your comfort zone.
#3 Try a Change of Scenery
Rearrange your creative space, add a cool new toy to your desk, or even take the project outside if you can. Sometimes, breaking habits and adding new visual stimuli can keep you motivated and help get a fresh take on the project at hand.
#4 Change Your Perspective
Yeah, I know that sounds like, "Change your attitude, young man!", but that's not what I mean. Try to realize that while you may not be connecting with the content you are working with at the time, there are many people who really are passionate about it. Try to look at it through their eyes and "borrow" their excitement.
#5 And A Child Shall Lead Them
No one is more creative than a child. When we adults have our minds cluttered by the stresses and hassles of daily life, it becomes difficult to "tap into our inner child" and think creatively. Get in there and play with your kids! Tell them what you are working on (if appropriate, of course). You will be amazed out how a child interprets the project. Their response just might trigger that elusive creative concept you've been after. If not, it will make you smile and lighten up the stress a bit before going back to the drawing board.
These are some fairly common sense tips I use to get through those rare projects that are hard to get into. Although, I shared them from a creative professional's perspective, these are tips that I believe can work for anyone.
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